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Author Archives: Stephanie

About Stephanie

I am a photographer, Emmy Award winner, Master’s Degree holder, and Starbucks enthusiast. I have both my Undergrad and Graduate Degrees from Sacramento State in Communication Studies and have worked within the television industry in both Sacramento and San Diego. I love to travel and have had the opportunity to visit a handful of countries, including Cairo, Egypt (through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Global Urban Trek), England, Scotland, Italy, and Greece. During my Graduate studies, I picked up photography as a hobby and it has become more of a passion. I have entered my photos in the Sacramento County Fair and have also had the pleasure of having exhibits at the 38th & J St. East Sacramento Starbucks and at Tim Collom Gallery in Midtown Sacramento. In my spare time, I can be found taking pictures, reading at Starbucks, attending Broadway musicals, working on Bible Studies (via Community Bible Study (CBS) or Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)), hiking around, working out, enjoying nature, or visiting with friends and family. I also love to take day trips to explore new places. Overall, I am a Christian woman who is thankful for the talents I’ve been given to capture the beauty that surrounds me, one image at a time.

Napa Valley Daytrip Pics

I took a day trip to the Napa Valley on August 11, 2009. Click on the wine barrels for more pictures of the outing.

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New Pictures

Here are some pictures from my trip to Bodega Bay and Memorial Day festivities. Click on the appropriate image to see the entire set of pictures.

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Ode to Gimpy

This past week, I flew to Idaho to visit my sister and her family. They won’t be able to spend Christmas with our family this year due to distance, so we were able to celebrate early and enjoy one another’s company. On Friday, my sister threw her 2nd annual Christmas ornament exchange party, where she … Continue reading »

Categories: Life | 2 Comments

What’s so heavenly about Heaven?

In recent months, my visits to Starbucks have included reading my cup for the “Way I See It” quote. Starbucks has gathered quotes from well-known and lesser known people and shared their ideas on the cups. Some quotes are average while others have caught my eye. One quote that stood out was The Way I … Continue reading »

Categories: Life | 2 Comments

Lovin’ Coffee

I will admit it. I’m a Starbucks lover. Many people turn up their nose at this coffee monopolizing conglomerate, but I say “bring it on”. I love Starbucks. I love the atmosphere, the comfy chairs, the checkerboard tables, and the huge kitchen table at my local Starbucks. I do not consider myself a coffee addict … Continue reading »

Categories: Life | 6 Comments